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Contagion takes place in a fictional world where the original Roanoke Colony thrived up until now A contagion of unknown origins has infected the locals turning them into a mindless horde of flesh eating zombies It is up to the remaining survivors to escape, extract, or hunt one another if they are to survive the horrors they now faceContagionとは。意味や和訳。名1 《医学》(病気の)接触伝染;感染(⇒infection)spread by contagion(病気が)伝染していく1a 接触伝染病(菌)2 (思想・感情などの)伝播でんぱ,伝染(力),感化影響(力);悪影響;(道徳的)腐敗 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富なLIHKG CS16 長假期伺服器 「いいね!」47件 IPs1huskymoe 請來玩喔!!

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